James RENDELL (*1 Nov 1845 +8 Nov 1937)

Wife 1 : Agnes Anne LEPPER
  1. +Winifred Maud RENDELL (*31 Dec 1890 +Mar 1991)
  2. +Agnes Elsie RENDELL (*19 Dec 1892 +6 Jan 1992)
  3.  Edmund Charles RENDELL (*24 Sep 1895 +24 Jul 1926)
  4.  Florence Lillian RENDELL (*16 Dec 1897 +27 Nov 1976)
  5. +Christobel Mary RENDELL (*25 Dec 1905 +8 Mar 1969)
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[7269] Arrived Auckland 1880. Port of call before arrival was Russell, as James couldn't wait to see a load of "spuds" unloaded only to find it was a load of potatoes. James, John and families along with mother Jael, left England on the 12th May 1880 on the "Liguria" the Orion (Orient) Co. Lived at Nailsea, Somerset. Later years lived at Rimu St. New Lynn. Taken from the "Waikato Times" 1881

Special sale at Paterangi. Wednesday 15th June,

Mr. James Rendell, having commenced business in Auckland purposes either to sell or lease his farm at Paterangi, and has instructed the undersigned to sell by Public Auction on the property, on WEDNESDAY, 15th June, the whole of his,

Live Stock, Farming Implements, and Household Furniture, Comprising 25 Well-Bred Heifers, two years old, 7 quiet dairy cows, 4 of them near calving. 7 yearlings, well bred, 5 steers well bred, 1 quiet heifer and calf. 1quiet young bull, 1 good farm mare (in foal), 1 good riding horse, 8 store pigs, 2 sows and 12 suckers, 1 sow (in farrow), 1 boar, poultry etc, cattle dog.

Farming Implements- Single furrow plough and extras, Harrows, Dray, Hay knife, Shovels, Spades and Forks, Scythes, Wheelbarrow, and a lot of carpenters Tools. Also one ton of Bonedust, and a quantity of fencing wire, Timber, etc and two ricks of Hay, two saddles and bridles, Cart and Plough Harness, new Well- rope and Bucket, Empty Casks, Zinc lined Trough, Pig Troughs etc.

Dairy Utensils- Twelve Milk Pans, Skimmer and Strainer, Scales and Weights, Milk Pails, Churn and Cheese Vats etc.

Household Furniture- Tables, Chairs, Easy Chair, Pictures, Mats, Lamps, Clock, Bedstead and Pallias, Childrens Bedsteads, Washstand and Toilet Ware, Curtains and Blinds, Wool Mattresses, 12 Counterpanes, 24 Blankets, Toilet Covers, Foot Bath, Washing Machine, 2 Meat Covers, Dinner Service, Tea Set and other Ware, Cruet Stand, Kettles, Boilers, Sausepans etc etc. Beehives and a Croquet Set.

Also, a lot of New Drapery Goods, consisting of- Six dozen pairs of Winter Stockings in sizes, Woolen Socks, Long Cloth and Calico, Black Alpacca, Flannel, Pocket Handkerchiefs and Umbrellas, etc etc. and FOR SALE OR LEASE THE FARM, Containing about 150 acres of good land, all fenced and sub-divided into convenient paddocks, with a new house of six rooms and suitable outbuildings, plantation etc.

J.S. Buckland

Taken from the "Waikato Times" April 1883.

Special Sale Household Furniture Etc. Te Awamutu, Friday, April 20th, 1883

The undersigned has been instructed by Mr. James Rendell, who is leaving the district, to sell at his residence, Te Awamutu, on above date, as under;

Cheffonier Harmonium, rocking chair, coach, 2 chairs, Brussels carpet, hearth rug, fender & irons, wardrobe, washstand, Singer sewing machine, table, 2 bronze figures, 2 oil paintings, oleograph, 2 steel engravings,clock, half tester, iron bedstead and curtains, 2 palliasses, childs crib, washstand and ware,2 tables, toilet glass, 9 door & wool mats, 2 baths, kitchen furniture and utensils, sundries ect. Also; quanity of sawn timber, 3 boxes of bees, side saddle, hackpey saddle and bridle, 2 weighing machines, union scale, store truck, ladder, counters, 5 bags bone dust, double barrelled gun, sundry garden tools, Bay gelding, Chestnut filly by "War Eagle", 2 milch cows, heifer calf, 20 shares in Te Awamutu Cheese & bacon factory. Also; 2 allotments town of Te Awamutu, Nos 112 & 114, Corner of Palmer and Herbert streets.

J.S. Buckland

[NF205] On March 13 at Raglan, James Rendell to Agnes Annie, youngest d/o Mr J Lepper of Auckland late of Wolverton, Bucks England

[7266] [S12] Nancy Petch

[7267] [S12] Nancy Petch

[7268] [S57] Lyall Payne

[50629] [S57] Lyall Payne