Matilde Friederike FRANZ (*4 Sep 1847 +15 Sep 1875)

[583] Husband 1 : Johann Friedrich Wilhelm SCHREIB
  1. +Ferdinand Friedrich Christian SCHREIB (*21 Sep 1871 +12 Apr 1928)
  2. +Auguste Friederike Wilhemine Schreib SCHREIB (*5 Dec 1873 +AFT 1946)
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[581] daughter of Friedrich Franz and Katherine Neubauer

From Karola:

21.09.1871 in Koenkendorf. Geburt von Sohn Ferd. Fried.Christian
1895 (bei der Hochzeit ihres Sohnes) war sie bereits verstorben

Geburtsname: Franz

Dellerman chart lists spouse of JFW Schreib name as "Falkenhagen" possibly a later marriage


[583] [S425] Ekatarini Lemm

[576] [S280] Karola Kaspschak

[577] [S425] Ekatarini Lemm

[578] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain

[579] [S280] Karola Kaspschak

[580] [S425] Ekatarini Lemm