Henriette Wilhelmine Juliane Marie SCHODDEL (*17 Dec 1867 +11 Jan 1948)

Husband 1 : Johann Friedrich SCHREIB
  1.  August Heinrich Conrad SCHREIB (*29 Oct 1890 )
  2.  Friedrich August Heinrich SCHREIB (*31 Jan 1892 )
  3.  Henri Franz SCHREIB (*13 Jul 1893 )
  4. +Albert Carl Ludwig SCHREIB (*17 Jan 1896 )
Please email corrections or additions to Dale Schultz at
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[31209] daughter of Conrad Rieks known as Schoddel and Marie Sürie late of Brüggen near Hannover

[31210] [31211]

[31206] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain

[31207] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain

[31208] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain

[31212] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain

[51878] [S692] Ancestry records captured by George Blistain

[51879] [S237] Death Certificate